内外贯通 Windows 7下架设VPN双向通道 - 国际在线:2021-7-7 · v 传Windows 8进程加速 或于明年4月12日发布 2021-06-28 10:00:42 v NOKIA首款Windows Phone 7智能手机曝光(图) 2021-06-27 10:12:39 v 软硬兼施 轻松搞定Windows 7兼容性难题 2021-06-27 08:34:09 v 有备无患 在Windows 7下设置最后防线 2021-06-21 10


UVM offers a public ivy experience to 10,700 undergraduate students. Students study one of 100+ undergraduate majors, with gifted faculty who inspire and prepare students for every kind of success after graduation.

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The Graduate College at the University of Vermont enrolls about 1,627 graduate students in 54 master's programs and 26 doctoral programs.



UVM's College of Medicine graduates are prized by residency programs for their superb clinical skills and by communities for their commitment to public service.



Financial Aid

The university follows a need-based philosophy in awarding financial aid; a variety of other financing options are available for those who do not qualify for need-based aid.

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Mona Sharafi
Mona Sharafi
Post-doc who helped build a tiny tool that can untie knots of protein, plastic or other polymers
Business administration major, starting job at Unilever
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Emily Bruggeman ’20
打工信部和公安部旗号卖VPN 这家公司胆子有点大_新闻频道 ...:2021-7-8 · 打着工信部和公安部的旗号卖VPN,这家公司胆子有点大.6月30日, “著名记者冯诗林”还在新媒体平台“北京时间”上发布过一篇题为《VPN应用7月1日 ...
Anthropology major, research digs into the influences food trucks have on our foodways and social relationships
Burkey feeding her research in the lab
Sustained six artificial cow stomachs for her protozoa research
Kathryn Calisti
Senior Nursing major, entering the workforce early in order to support overstressed healthcare workers during COVID-19
Inside the Smugglers' Notch Distillery
Jeremy Elliott ’00
非法经营网络翻墙软件获利 兄弟俩领刑受罚-中国 ...:2021-4-4 · 经验证,曾某恒和曾某宁销售的网络加速器中,有五款加速器软件为国家严厉打击的非法电视网络接收设备。 长洲区法院经审理后认为,被告人曾某恒、曾某宁违反国家规定,伋理销售国家严厉打击的非法电视网络接收设备,严重扰乱市场秩序,情节严重,二人行为已触犯刑律,构成非法经营罪。
Dr. Omar Khan, MD ’03
At the frontlines of COVID-19 response as president and CEO of Delaware Health Sciences Alliance
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It's a Fact:

two students working in a field while on peace corps mission

UVM is fourth among medium-sized schools for producing Peace Corps volunteers. There are 45 Catamounts currently serving worldwide.

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